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HOA Demand


HOA Demand

Title & Settlement Services
Process Improvement
Reduction in turn-around-time to obtain HOA demand, resulting in reduction of closing timeline

Action Plan

  • Verity improved the turn time to receive HOA demand to within five business days.
  • Calibration done by Verity with the HOA’s & Management Companies to set priorities to order HOA demand either through web portal or HOA based on the estimated closing date.
  • Verity performed process reengineering. Rush orders to be placed only on urgent cases to maintain the possible minimum closing cost.
  • Verity has developed an in-depth database for small HOA which has a faster turn time to avoid additional cost.
  • Verity continues to add more HOA contact information to create a vast repository.

Outcome / Achievement

  • Continuous monitoring was done to measure the effectiveness of implemented process.
  • Weekly and monthly data were compared with the current performance statistics post implementation of the process.
  • The reduction in turn time was reduced by six business days by the end of the month.